Conference Name: 2020 – 12th International Conference on Research in Life-Sciences & Healthcare (ICRLSH), 17-18 July, Bangkok
Conference Dates: 17-18 July 2020
Conference Application Form: Click Here
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Conference Venue: Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Conference Center, Bangkok, Thailand
Deadline for Abstract/Paper Submissions: 15 July 2020
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Organising Scholarly Association: Healthcare & Biological Sciences Research Association (HBSRA)
HBSRA List of Members: Click Here
HBSRA President: Dr. Cecilia O. Martinez, Dean, College of Nursing, University of Manila, Manila, Philippines
Conference Language: English
Conference Themes: Healthcare, Life-Sciences & Nursing
HBSRA Previous Conferences: Click Here
Conference Publication in MCI Approved Journal – Valid Publication for MCI for promotion of Teaching Faculty. Journal in accordance with guidelines of MCI (Medical Council of India)
(Vernacular Session, e.g., European Languages, Arabic, Bahasa, Thai, Chinese, Turkish, Japanese, Russian, will be organised for a minimum of 5 or more participants of a particular language)
(Only English language, full-length, original papers will be considered for publication in conference journals)
Please use the tab ‘Click Here For More Conference Details’ given above the conference name (Top of the page), to access more information on this conference.
Nuanpan Lawson
Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Statistics, Faculty of Applied Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand
Topic: A new Generalized Regression Estimator and Variance Estimation for Unequal Probability sampling without Replacement for Missing Data
Nuanpan Lawson was awarded with Doctor of Philosophy in Social Statistics (PhD), University of Southampton, UK 2014 funded by the Office of the Higher Education Commission in Thailand. She is currently the assistant head of the Department of Applied Statistics for Research and Academic Services and International Relations Affairs. She received the best paper presenter of ICRST (2018) IVth International Conference on Researches in Science & Technology held at South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London. Her main research focus is on non-response in sample survey, survey methodology and regression analysis.
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